Monday, September 15, 2008

iPod on YouTube

I did a search for "iPod" on the famed website YouTube. As usual, I came up with some interesting results. Check out the following for some cool information on the Apple iPod...

1) Apple iPod Touch- this is the official video made by Apple to introduce their new model of iPod. This movie is from September '08 so it is fresh off the press. Very cool device. Will be next iPod purchase most likely.

2)Will it Blend?- Check out this hilarious video from a show. A man takes all kinds of everyday devices and materials and sees if they will blend. He's got his old iPod and ready for a new model, so see if he is able to blend the old iPod into a "smoothie".

3)Apple iPod Original Introduction- this is the video of the original introduction of the iPod. The presentation is from 2001. Looks like they did succeed in going for the market leader of playing digital music.

4)W's iPod- Here is a short bit from Fox News with Brit Hume. "Off the air", President George W. Bush talks about the iPod he owns and some of the artists he likes to listen to. We sure do have a unique president :)-

5)Coldplay and Apple- This is my favorite Apple iTunes ad they have aired. This specific ad features the current hit song of Coldplay, "Viva la Vida". Some of those British guys know good music :)

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