Monday, November 17, 2008

Toys R Us and Apple.

While searching the net, I came across an interesting site. The site, called iPodNN, is an extensive site relating to this media player. There is a wealth of information on the site. Its main headings include: iPod News, Podcasts, Reviews, Blogs, Forums, Services, and Contact. Check it out....

Anyways, I came across an article about an agreement between Toys R Us and Apple. Who would have thought that the ultimate toy store geared towards younger kids would be a seller and avid supporter of the iPod? The new media is passing down to younger generations pretty quickly.

Toys R Us is a dedicated toy and baby product retailer. They have over 1500 stores throughout the nation. There are also some stores titled Babies R Us that are strictly geared toward the younger ones. The company began in 1978 and is based in the state of New Jersey ("joo-sey" if your from the East Coast).
The company has a huge store in New York's Time Square. It has a giant Ferris wheel (above), and is a favorite tourist attraction for some NY visitors.

To my news (lol), there is one of their stores located here in Fargo:
TOYS"R"US - FARGO [9538]
FARGO, ND 58102
Phone: (701)281-8697

Anyways, the products of Apple that Toys R Us will carry are: the iPod Touch, the Nano, and the Shuffle in blue, pink, or silver. There will of course be accessories as well, such as: cases, car adapters, iTunes gift cards, and some iHome goods. The store plans to create "iPod Boutiques" sections. This will be the specific Toys R Us zone for everything iPod.

Check out the iPodNN article mentioned above.

Also, according to this article, it has been rumored that Wal-Mart will soon begin to carry the iPhone. We will see......

1 comment:

Crystal said...

They are starting very young... I recently purchased the Baby Einstein Takealong Tunes for a friend who was expecting. In the product description on Amazon, they called it the "baby version of an MP3 player."

Full description on for the Baby Einstein Takealong Tunes:

Promote music appreciation and auditory development by introducing your little one to baby-friendly versions of classical masterpieces by Mozart, Vivaldi, Chopin and Rossini with the Baby Einstein' Takealong Tunes! A large, easy to press button allows your baby to toggle through 7 high quality and enjoyable classical melodies at home, or for on-the-go fun! This baby's version of an "MP3 player" has colorful lights that dance across the screen to enhance each entertaining melody and promote visual perception.